Chronovisor The Time Viewing App
Visit the Interbellum City
Visit the Interbellum City
Visit the Interbellum City
Augmented Reality fusing GPS and 3D tracking,
Cronovizor – Visit the Interbellum City
Colorbitor developed the mobile Augmented Reality channel that adds a layer of archival footage on the same spots in the city were they were shot.
Visitors in some of the historical Bucharest sites are able to open “time windows” on their IOS and Android devices.
They will discover real life moments from around 80 years ago integrated seamlessly into the camera view looking upon the present locations.

Letting you step into the past
Letting you step into the past
Letting you step into the past
real life moments from 80 years ago
We uploaded a gallery of short film documents and embedded them each in its place – marked on the map and printed on the pavement around town.
It’s a world novelty in terms of AR which until very recently limited the augmentable reality to 2D elements. The technology sets a whole new ground for outdoor visualization fusing GPS and 3-D tracking, enabling us to augment nearly any real-world environment, instantly and in real-time.
The opportunities of this new media for tourism and education are extraordinary. The Cronovizor started as a proof of concept and we liked it more as it grew into a potential virtual museum with the kind help of The Romanian National Film Archive.